My site and all connecting sites are under developed slipping over banana peels to get off the ground. Right now you get a taste of dots being connected by chance or faith. If you don’t know, research Operation Paper Clip. Operation Paper Clip was protection of “Nazi” scientist from Europe destined to The United States of America. Historic film footage of “Nazi” controlled camps riddled with thousands of Jews on the edge of death. Fast forward to modern day U.S.A. and the leading GDP is the medical industry (Poison and regulation being controlled by “Nazi” operated pharmaceuticals with Government Collusion) with thousands of Americans on the edge of death. Youth illness sky rockets every new vaccine, chemotherapy treatment studies still confirm they are ineffective. The Food, Water, and Air is doused in poison under the disguise of “bacterial killer”, “preservative”, and “Geoengineering”. The beans were spilled of the effects by Glyphosate manufactured by Monsanto. In less then a couple years they have the “legal” answer…. Merge with your popular conspirator publicly and liquidate the tarnished products back to the companies known as a “chemical” company for distance. The specifics of additional company’s are not mentioned in this notification to deflect any and all legal action to oppress my freedom of speech that protects the communication of ideas… this is my idea, enjoy reading and watching documented occurrence and documentaries of true and misleading fact then come to your own conclusion.You can read plenty of novels and have a great time. You can also read history and connect it yourself to current affairs and manifest your own novel of excitement and suspense. What happens next??
Linked Article for reference of Merger: