What to do when Censored with limited time to recover.

As an independent blogging vlogster What do you do when you are censored? Share what ever it was again on another platform and notify as many people as possible. It will happen sooner or later for political reasons or money reasons that have no connection to politics. It might feel like you are in a room with four walls and no door. The pressure of day job, organizing bills, double checking house insurance policies, car inspections, pet food supply, human food quality control, family care, rest, and most important before after and during Honoring God. Please don’t be irritated by my God reference. I am not telling how what or when religiously, I am just noting my personal vision related to navigating life and relating to the rest of the world of part time internet story sharers. Here is Prince speaking about racist Chem-trails. Enjoy and thank you for tuning in.


Back when Prince spoke about "Chem-trails" Recap. This was removed from YouTube

Back when Prince spoke about "Chem-trails" Recap. This was removed from YouTube

Posted by Doctor Willis on Tuesday, April 24, 2018